Saturday 17 – Sunday 18 October 2014
The exhibition for the Roll of Honour was has held at the Old School in October. This was a 12 month project support by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Research into the 67 names found on the 2 panels (the third panel being lost) were cross referenced with the 42 names on the village war memorial. The “College” a private cramming school in Church Street provided 21 names alone and other names had a connection to Storrington by their families.
Edith Ingram
A press release regarding the project centred on Edit Ingram, a VAD nurse who died in 1918. Females found on memorial are rare but fortunately for the project team the coverage provide by the West Sussex County Times, family members came forward and gave a fantastic in sight of who Edith was, her family and her life. We are grateful to Peter and Jane for all their help.
At the end of the project research of the names and information of the Great war was made available, and working with Horsham Museum further artifacts and information was combined to create a Great War exhibition for the community over a weekend at the Old School.
A local area map shows where the casualties lived
Timeline of the Great War
Casualty lists and research on Storrington’s surrounding villages
A framed watercolour commemorating the students of Rackham School who served in the Great War of 1914-18
all copyrights reserved © 2014 Art Hutchins ~
The project also included restoring the two panels and making copies to go back onto the wall of the White Horse hotel. With the help of the Chanctonbury Lions additional funds were raised for oak frames made by Clifford Wilks to restore the panels to their rightful place in Storrington’s high street and back into the community.
Jessica Jacob provided the restoration for the the two panels, the Old Comrades Roll of Honour and the Rackham Roll of Honour.
Work had began to create a third panel and identify those missing from it. 10 names were identified and with the help of Dennis Lascelles a local artist the three panels were reinstalled onto the walls of the White Horse hotel on the 11 November 2014 to mark the centenary of the Great War.